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Insurance is a way to protect yourself from financial ruin. It is a risk management method, which is used mainly to shoot accidental or accidental damage. An insurance company is known as an insurance, insurance, network or insurance company. The person or business who buys the insurance is known as the insurance provider or agent. An insurance event is related to a small and guaranteed loss in the payment process by assuring the insurance provider that it will replace the insurance if it has lost the insurance. Damage may or may not be financial, but it must be costly, and usually contains some risk factor for ownership, ownership, or relationship with existing insurance. The participant maintains an agreement, called insurance, that describes the circumstances and how the insurer will calculate the insurance. The amount of insurance that the insurer thinks is paid. If the insurer loses the property covered by the insurer, the insurer gives permission to the insurer to remove it. The insurer can avoid his risk by taking out a guarantee, while the other insurance company agrees to take other risks, especially if the risk is too high for the original insurer.
Big news: Insurance is history Basic methods Advertisers have been looking for ways to reduce risk since the early stages. Photo, taken by Ferdinand Bol, Duke of Marine Fisheries, c. 1680. The exportation or export of hazardous materials was carried out by Chinese and Babylonian merchants during the third and 2nd centuries BCE, respectively. Chinese shoppers traveling to the river crossing treacherous areas have split their luggage into several bags to minimize damage to a single ship. The Babylonians began the process as described in the famous Code of Hammurabi, c. In 1750 BCE, he had dealings with the early Mediterranean merchants. When a seller obtains a loan to help with his property, he pays the lender extra money to repair the debt if the property is stolen, or lost at sea.
In about 800 BCE, Rhodeans created a 'standard'. This allowed the sales teams to pay their own fees to send their consignments together. The money raised will be used to pay for any merchant whose property is confiscated during transit, either by storm or drowning. Separate insurance agreements (e.g., insurers or other types of bonds) were established in Genoa in the 14th century, because pools were protected by insurance based on external wealth. The first insurance contract was established in Genoa in 1347, and marine insurance expanded considerably in the following years and was substantially opposite to risk. The new insurance contracts allowed the insurer to be divided into cash, a division of liability that came into effect on the first marine insurance. Tactics Insurance had grown significantly during the European Enlightenment era, and special types had begun. Lloyds Coffee House is the first market designed for marine insurance. Property insurance as we know it today can get a massive London fire, which in 1666 destroyed more than 13,000 homes. These fire accidents replaced the insurer and adhered to the "simplified model", consistent with Sir Christopher Warren's proposal in his new London plans in 1667 to include an 'insurance office'. "Many and many efforts to extinguish the first house and the first furniture. Initially, 5000 homes were insured by their insurance office.
At the same time, the first insurers were found to have small businesses. By the end of the seventh century, the need for London's expansion as a commercial center was boosting maritime insurance. In the late 1680s, Edward Lloyd opened a coffee house, which served as a meeting place for shipping groups, who wanted to ensure shipping and shipping, and who wanted to rewrite such services. The startup is focused on establishing an insurance market in London with a number of shipping and insurance companies. Section to enforce the National Insurance Act 1911. The first insurance plan was introduced in the early 1800's. The first company to offer life insurance was the Amicable Society for the Permanent Assurance Office, founded in 1706 by William Talbot and Sir Thomas Allen. Edward Rowe Mores founded the Society for Equential Assurance on Lives and Survivorship in 1762. It was the first universal insurance policy and pioneered in the management of mortgage loans, based on "insurance coverage in practice and development" and "based on recent health insurances, after which all life assurance programs were implemented." In the late 1800's "accident insurance" came into being. . At the beginning of the 20th century, governments introduced national insurance plans to combat illness and aging. Germany created a culture of security systems in Prussia and Saxony that began in the early 1840s.
1880 Chansellor Otto von Bismarck introduced the old age pension, accident insurance and medical care that formed the basis of the German government. In the UK, the National Insurance Act of 1911 made certain legislation completely applicable to the Liberal government. It has given the British public a first-line insurance plan to combat illness and unemployment. The program was expanded again after World War II under the auspices of Beveridge Report to create the world's first modern state of the art.